Heian Do Bujutsu Student Grading History
Heian Do Bujutsu Kyu Grade System
Our grading system is based on a 10 colour belt rank (kyu) system. A student is assessed before any grading and if all criteria are met (found in the Terms & Conditions page) the student may be put forward for a grading.
The 1st basic grading to White belt/yellow tab is assessed after the first 20 hours minimum classes.
Yellow, orange and green grades are 40 hours apart to Blue belt (Rokukyu 6th colour) gradings then expand to 60 hours between belts to 3rd kyu Brown belt level. There is generally a one year gap between the 3rd, 2nd and 1st kyu brown belt grades but the allotted time can often be totally dependent on the students willingness and comprehensive ability to learn. Remember we are grading you on passing an exam - you must be competent in the art, have control and are able to look after yourself and your opponent and understand the theory behind the techniques. We do not grade anybody just because they have attended X number of classes - Our Instructor Board need to sign their name to each students ability. We will not grade incompetent students, we don't care how mean your mum is or how big your dad is. When you are ready - we will grade you.
The Japanese tradition of counting backwards to 1st kyu or Brown belt with 2 tabs is common with most oriental martial arts clubs, though the number of ranks may differ the allotted time to 1st dan black belt is essentially the same whether they are a 6 kyu (6 belts) or 10 kyu (10 belt) system. The initial syllabus can be viewed HERE.
Like any student who spends more time studying and attending all classes they generally move on faster than the students who just do the bare minimum of effort. At Heian Do Bu Jutsu Ryu, spirit, effort and commitment are encouraged and rewarded as much as natural ability - we are not training soldiers - we are teaching Budoka - people who follow the way to enlightenment gaining a balanced attitude through the martial arts.
Martial arts is about growing the whole person, ensuring all the correct foundation and building blocks are in place to create a stable, well balanced practitioner. We hope that no matter what grade the student reaches they will have knowledge and skills that can be applied to everyday life.
TJ - Te Jutsu AJ - Aiki Jutsu JJ - Ju Jutsu BJ - Bu Jutsu (all 3 styles)
10th Kyu - JuKyu
20 hours - 2 months
09.11.09 - Ryan Murray TJ
09.11.09 - Christopher Holt TJ
09.11.09 - Pheonix Brown TJ
09.11.09 - Cameron Holt TJ
25.02.10 - Corey Pook BJ
23.03.10 - Shaun Smith BJ
08.02.11 - Phillip Neal BJ
28.01.13 - Ruel Avishek Prasad TJ
02.02.13 - Shaizy Sandhu BJ
04.03.13 - Simran Singh BJ
30.03.13 - Meshaya Walmsey TJ
30.03.13 - Mahkaia Walmsey TJ
31.03.13 - James Chin BJ
31.03.13 - Lillian Liu BJ
27.05.13 - Liam Wenzlick BJ
30.06.13 - Hazeley Howell TJ
03.06.13 - Deijalee Howell TJ
03.06.13 - Jahziah Howell TJ
08.06.13 - Ibadat Singh TJ
30.11.13 - Harry Bouhoutsos BJ
02.12.13 - Conner Copeland TJ
17.03.14 - Elysia Burns BJ
05.05.14 - Raghuram Veerla TJ
28.07.14 - Ben Phillips BJ
28.07.14 - Ashton Griffiths BJ
28.07.14 - Julie Sanders BJ
11.08.14 - Samar Deep Singh TJ
11.08.14 - Sanya Uppal TJ
11.10.14 - Luke Thrush BJ
18.08.14 - Joaquin Marinas TJ
29.09.14 - Nicole Hill BJ
20.10.14 - Holly Dalton-MacDonald BJ
20.10.14 - Joy Deep Singh TJ
20.10.14 - Jewel Preet Singh TJ
25.10.14 - Advitya Uppal TJ
03.11.14 - Anthony Clark-Powell TJ
03.11.14 - Lana Clark-Powell TJ
03.11.14 - Braydon Moore TJ
10.11.14 - Haleigh Moore BJ
01.12.14 - Lyndon Moore BJ
02.12.14 - Arnav Shreyakar TJ
02.12.14 - Ella Clarke-Powell TJ
02.12.14 - Arnav Shreyakar TJ
09.03.15 - Isobelle Aroha Little TJ
14.03.15 - Jordan-Leigh Little TJ
21.03.15 - Marea-Ann Little TJ
21.03.15 - Destiny-Jane Little TJ
21.03.15 - Ellen-Gracie Little TJ
27.04.15 - Trae-James Little TJ
27.04.15 - Hunter Ashby TJ
27.04.15 - Conner Meade TJ
08.06.15 - Ziya Mehdi Ebzahim TJ
13.06.15 - Timothy Ali TJ
27.06.15 - Brooke Proffitt-Crean BJ
20.07.15 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
07.09.15 - Kegan Johnson TJ
07.09.15 - Cooper Johnson TJ
07.09.15 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
07.09.15 - Monika Alden TJ
07.09.15 - Gianni Alden TJ
07.09.15 - Kellum Byers TJ
07.09.15 - Hayden Tribo-Searell TJ
07.09.15 - Paige Field TJ
07.09.15 - Arlene Tribo BJ
01.12.15 - Robin Alden BJ
14.12.15 - Anisha Lal TJ
14.12.15 - Manveer Singh TJ
14.12.15 - Harveer Singh TJ
07.03.16 - Aryan Joshi TJ
12.03.16 - Janette Morris BJ
12.03.16 - Sonya Wilson Bj
11.04.16 - Jaynesh Patel Bj
04.06.16 - Jacon Whiting TJ
25.06.16 - Dayton Winiata TJ
25.07.16 - Mahavir Mandalia TJ
30.07.16 - Khushi Mandalia TJ
24.09.16 - Xavier Leota TJ
11.02.17 - Harlene Bhathal TJ
11.02.17 - Devneld Kumar TJ AJ
19.03.17 - Avi Dave TJ
20.03.17 - Aliya Ikrar TJ
20.03.17 - Mohammed Fozail TJ
03.04.17 - Kelstyn Makiri TJ
24.04.17 - James Lees-Marshment TJ
08.07.17 - Merekara Winiata TJ
08.07.17 - Ivy Nguyen TJ
07.08.17 - Zebadiyah Mohiuddin TJ
07.08.17 - Zeeshan Mohiuddin TJ
07.08.17 - Shaylon Reddy TJ
07.08.17 - Carl Rivera TJ
12.08.17 - Hope Betham TJ
09.09.17 - Ochre Sugiharto TJ
13.09.17 - Ashna Narayan TJ
16.12.17 - Prabnoor Singh TJ
05.02.18 - Coedey Rodgers TJ
05.03.18 - Hartaj Ghuman TJ
19.03.18 - Salman Ahmad TJ
19.05.18 - Maya Nguyen TJ
28.05.18 - Valda Wulf TJ
28.05.18 - Alicia Wulf TJ
28.05.18 - Abraham Wulf TJ
03.06.18 - Pree Bhawre Bj
06.10.18 - John Wanihi TJ
08.10.18 - Hazel Lees-Marshment TJ
03.11.18 - Ania Baloch TJ
08.12.18 - Rhianon Johnson AJ
08.12.18 - Kegan Johnson AJ
06.04.19 - Aiden Ly TJ
08.06.19 - Mathew Strongman TJ
08.06.19 - Ethan Strongman TJ
08.06.19 - Jayden Strongman TJ
08.06.19 - Hamish Kumar TJ
12.08.19 - Angel Naidu TJ
14.12.19 - Natalie Shen TJ
14.12.19 - Amy Zou TJ
14.12.19 - Liam Whiting TJ
14.12.19 - Ziya Ebrahim AJ
14.12.19 - Ashnay Narayan JJ
03.06.20 - Sophia Candy TJ
02.11.20 - Akira Ebrahim TJ
21.11.20 - Braxton Talitiga TJ
09.01.21 - Semi Kaufusi Bj
16.01.21 - Blair Johnson Bj
04.03.21 - Gursirat Kaur TJ
12.04.21 - Soham Chopra TJ
28.06.21 - Arsh Nezam TJ
02.08.21 - Ehan Nezam TJ
04.06.22 - Nathan Candy TJ
11.07.22 - Soham Chopra TJ
24.09.22 - Manu Key TJ
26.11.22 - Leonard Oakley TJ
05.12.22 - Augustine Oakley TJ
26.11.22 - Nirisha Kumar TJ
26.11.22 - Sean Kumar TJ
01.04.23 - Tyler Cockroft Bj
01.04.23 - Rob Stephen Bj
24.04.23 - Kaden Stephen TJ
29.04.23 - Alizae Wichman Bj
20.05.23 - Rubaani Sahni TJ
03.07.23 - Taarush Chaudary TJ
07.08.23 - Harman Singh TJ
13.09.23 - Prabhgun Kaur TJ
21.10.23 - Xyla Porter TJ
28.10.23 - Azaelea Porter TJ
01.11.23 - Adilpreet Randhana TJ
25.11.23 - Vynal Porter TJ
05.06.24 - Anmol Singh Sidhu TJ
9th Kyu - KuKyu
40 hours - 3 months
23.03.10 - Corey Pook BJ
22.03.11 - Phillip Neal BJ
20.04.13 - Ruel Avishek Prasad TJ
04.05.13 - Shaizy Sandhu BJ
30.06.13 - James Chin BJ
09.09.13 - Liam Wenzlick BJ
20.10.13 - Lillian Liu BJ
26.10.13 - Ibadat Singh TJ
02.12.13 - Hazeley Howell TJ
02.12.13 - Conner Copeland TJ
09.02.14 - Harry Bouhoutsos BJ
17.02.14 - Deijalee Howell TJ
07.06.14 - Elysia Burns BJ
23.06.14 - Jahziah Howell TJ
11.08.14 - Raghuram Veerla TJ
07.02.15 - Joy Deep Singh TJ
07.02.15 - Jewel Preet Singh TJ
09.02.15 - Luke Thrush BJ
09.02.15 - Nicole Hill BJ
14.02.15 - Braydon Moore TJ
14.02.15 - Samar Singh TJ
21.02.15 - Sanya Uppal TJ
21.03.15 - Lyndon Moore BJ
21.03.15 - Haleigh Moore BJ
27.04.15 - Ben Phillips BJ
23.05.15 - Jordan-Leigh Little TJ
23.05.15 - Isobelle Aroha Little TJ
18.07.15 - Marea-Ann Little TJ
18.07.15 - Destiny-Jayne Little TJ
18.07.15 - Ellen-Gracie Little TJ
27.07.15 - Trae-James Little TJ
03.08.15 - Arnav Shreyakar TJ
02.08.15 - Brooke Proffitt-Crean TJ
22.08.15 - Anthony Clark-Powell TJ
22.08.15 - Lana Clark-Powell TJ
31.08.15 - Ella Clark-Powell TJ
28.11.15 - Ziya Mehdi Ebzahim TJ
28.11.15 - Conner Meade TJ
28.11.15 - Hunter Ashby TJ
01.12.15 - Robin Alden BJ
14.12.15 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
14.12.15 - Monika Alden TJ
14.12.15 - Gianni Alden TJ
13.03.16 - Isobelle Aroha Little AJ
13.03.16 - Jordan-Leigh Little AJ
14.03.16 - Kegan Johnson TJ
14.03.16 - Cooper Johnson TJ
14.03.16 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
19.03.16 - Kellum Byers TJ
20.03.16 - Arlene Tribo BJ
20.03.16 - Hayden Tribo-Searell TJ
18.04.16 - Manveer Singh TJ
18.04.16 - Harveer Singh TJ
28.05.16 - Advitya Uppal TJ
20.06.16 - Trae-James Little AJ
02.07.16 - Aryan Joshi TJ
04.07.16 - Jaynesh Patel BJ
26.09.16 - Dayton Winiata TJ
07.11.16 - Khushi Mandalia TJ
07.11.16 - Mahavir Mandalia TJ
04.03.17 - Xavier Leota TJ
12.04.17 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
12.04.17 - Shayarn Mathews TJ
03.07.17 - Avinav Dave TJ
02.08.17 - Merekara Winiata TJ
26.08.17 - Aliyar Ikrar TJ
26.08.17 - Mohammed Fozail TJ
24.09.17 - Devneld Kumar BJ
25.09.17 - Enzo Albuquerque TJ
25.09.17 - Carl Rivera TJ
16.12.17 - Ivy Nguyen TJ
27.01.18 - James Lees-Marshment TJ
01.02.18 - Ashna Narayan TJ
03.03.18 - Trae-James Little JJ
09.04.18 - Shaylon Reddy TJ
28.04.18 - Ochre Sugiharto TJ
28.05.18 - Zeeshan Mohiuddin TJ
28.05.18 - Zebadiyah Mohiuddin TJ
03.07.18 - Coedey Rodgers TJ
06.08.18 - Prabnoor Singh TJ
20.08.18 - Hope Betham TJ
01.09.18 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel AJ
08.09.18 - Maya Ngyuen TJ
25.11.18 - Pree Bhawre BJ
08.12.18 - Marea-Ann Little AJ
08.12.18 - Destiny-Jayne Little AJ
08.12.18 - Ellen-Gracie Little AJ
08.12.18 - Isobelle Aroha Little JJ
23.03.19 - John Wanihi TJ
05.08.19 - Darragh Montague TJ
14.12.19 - Mathew Strongman TJ
14.12.19 - Ethan Strongman TJ
14.12.19 - Jayden Strongman TJ
14.12.19 - Jacob Whiting TJ
14.12.19 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel JJ
14.12.19 - Rhiannon Johnson JJ
14.12.19 - Braydon Moore JJ
14.12.19 - Kegan Johnson AJ JJ
03.06.20 - Aania Baloch TJ
04.07.20 - Aiden Ly TJ
19.10.20 - Zidan Amin TJ
12.12.20 - Wyatt Johnson AJ
12.12.20 - Cooper Johnson AJ
21.04.21 - Sophia Candy TJ
08.05.21 - Semi Kaufusi BJ
08.05.21 - Blair Johnson BJ
16.02.22 - Gursirat Kaur TJ
26.02.22 - Cooper Johnson JJ
26.02.22 - Wyatt Johnson JJ
27.07.22 - Enzo Albuquerque AJ
17.08.22 - Arsh Nezam TJ
19.09.22 - Nathan Candy TJ
26.11.22 - Leonard Oakley TJ
05.12.22 - Augustine Oakley TJ
10.12.22 - Nirisha Kumar TJ
10.12.22 - Sean Kumar TJ
17.04.23 - Ehan Nezam TJ
01.05.23 - Rob Stephen BJ
06.05.23 - Enzo Albuquerque JJ
05.06.23 - Kaden Stephen TJ
10.06.23 - Alizae Wichman BJ
21.06.23 - Tyler Cockroft BJ
24.06.23 - Soham Chopra TJ
25.09.23 - Kayra Bhan TJ
18.12.23 - Harman Singh TJ
03.07.24 - Prabhgun Kaur TJ
TJ = Te Jutsu AJ = Aiki Jutsu
JJ = Ju Jutsu BJ = Bu Jutsu
8th Kyu - HachiKyu
70 hours - 6 months
01.07.10 - Corey Pook BJ
02.06.14 - Liam Wenzlick BJ
14.06.14 - Harry Bouhoutsos BJ
15.12.14 - Deijalee Howell TJ
15.12.14 - Hazeley Howell TJ
14.03.15 - Raghuram Veerla TJ
14.06.15 - Lyndon Moore BJ
03.08.15 - Braydon Moore TJ
05.09.15 - Luke Thrush TJ
05.09.15 - Isobelle Arorha Little TJ
05.09.15 - Jordan-Leigh Little TJ
01.11.15 - Brooke Proffitt-Crean BJ
02.11.15 - Joy Deep Singh TJ
02.11.15 - Jewel Deep Singh TJ
21.11.15 - Haleigh Moore BJ
01.12.15 - Nicole Hill BJ
05.12.15 - Trae-James Little TJ
06.02.16 - Marea-Ann Little TJ
06.02.16 - Destiny-Jane Little TJ
06.02.16 - Ellen-Gracie Little TJ
16.05.16 - Ziya Ebzahim TJ
28.05.16 - Samar Deep Singh TJ
28.05.16 - Sanya Uppal TJ
04.07.16 - Jaynesh Patel TJ
18.07.16 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
30.07.16 - Conner Meade TJ
30.07.16 - Hunter Ashby TJ
30.07.16 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
20.08.16 - Kegan Johnson TJ
20.08.16 - Cooper Johnson TJ
17.09.16 - Arnav Shreyakar TJ
01.10.16 - Isobelle Little AJ
01.10.16 - Jordan Little AJ
08.10.16 - Jaynesh Patel AJ JJ
04.03.17 - Arlene Tribo BJ
11.03.17 - Dayton Winiata TJ
11.03.17 - Kellum Byers TJ
11.03.17 - Harveer Singh TJ
11.03.17 - Manveer Singh TJ
04.03.17 - Arlene Tribo BJ
25.03.17 - Trae-james Little AJ
12.08.17 - Khushi Mandalia TJ
12.08.17 - Mahavir Mandalia TJ
12.08.17 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
16.12.17 - Merekara Winiata TJ
01.01.18 - Enzo Albuqurque TJ
16.04.18 - Xavier Leota TJ
23.04.18 - Carl Rivera TJ
19.05.18 - Ashna Narayan TJ
19.05.18 - Aliya Ikrar TJ
25.08.18 - Ivy Nguyen TJ
08.12.18 - Isobelle Aroha Little AJ
23.03.19 - Advitya Uppal TJ
23.03.19 - Merekara Winiata TJ
14.12.19 - Shaylon Reddy TJ
11.08.19 - Pree Bhawre BJ
01.07.19 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel AJ
14.12.19 - Braydon Moore AJ
14.12.19 - Rhiannon Johnson AJ
13.06.20 - John Wanihi TJ
20.06.20 - Prabnoor Singh TJ
12.12.20 - Kegan Johnson AJ
21.12.20 - Aania Baloch TJ
24.05.21 - Zidan Amin TJ
28.08.21 - Aiden Ly TJ
05.02.22 - Blair Johnson BJ
05.02.22 - Semi Kaufusi BJ
26.02.22 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel JJ
26.02.22 - Rhiannon Johnson JJ
26.02.22 - Kegan Johnson JJ
26.02.22 - Cooper Johnson AJ
26.02.22 - Wyatt Johnson AJ
06.05.23 - Enzo Albuquerque AJ
06.05.23 - Cooper Johnson JJ
24.06.23 - Leonard Oakley TJ
24.06.23 - Gursirat Kaur TJ
03.07.23 - Sofia Candy TJ
31.07.23 - Augustine Oakley TJ
02.08.23 - Rob Stephen BJ
16.10.23 - Alizae Wichman BJ
11.11.23 - Kaden Stephen TJ
18.12.23 - Tyler Cockroft BJ
12.02.24 - Arsh Nezam TJ
20.05.24 - Ehan Nezam TJ
7th Kyu - SeichiKyu
110 hours - 12 months
21.09.10 - Corey Pook BJ
03.11.14 - Harry Bouhoutsos BJ
07.09.15 - Rughuram Veerla TJ
01.11.15 - Lyndon Moore BJ
01.12.15 - Nicole Hill TJ
13.12.15 - Brooke Proffitt-Crean BJ
13.03.16 - Isobelle Aroha Little TJ
13.03.16 - Jordan-Leigh Little TJ
23.04.16 - Braydon Moore TJ
09.05.16 - Haleigh Moore BJ
20.06.16 - Trae-James Little TJ
04.07.16 - Nicole Hill AJ JJ
03.09.16 - Destiny-Jane Little TJ
03.09.16 - Marea-Ann Little TJ
03.09.16 - Ellen-Gracie Little TJ
08.10.16 - Jaynesh Patel TJ
08.10.16 - Luke Thrush TJ
12.11.16 - Joy Singh TJ
12.11.16 - Jewel Singh TJ
19.12.16 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
04.03.17 - Isobelle Little AJ
11.03.17 - Jordan Little AJ
18.03.17 - Ziya Ebrahim TJ
08.04.17 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
08.04.17 - Cooper Johnson TJ
08.04.17 - Kegan Johnson TJ
08.04.17 - Connor Meade TJ
08.04.17 - Hunter Ashby TJ
04.09.17 - Arushi Suneel TJ
09.09.17 - Dayton Winiata TJ
16.12.17 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
03.03.18 - Trae-James Little AJ
16.04.18 - Khushi Mandalia TJ
07.05.18 - Mahavir Mandalia TJ
28.05.18 - Samar Deep Singh TJ
12.09.18 - Ashna Narayan TJ
08.10.18 - Samar Singh TJ
08.12.18 - Isobelle Aroha Little AJ
23.03.19 - Enzo Albuqurque TJ
23.03.19 - Merekara Winiata TJ
14.12.19 - Ivy Nguyen TJ
14.12.19 - Ashna Narayan AJ
14.12.19 - Ivy Nguyen TJ
01.08.20 - Maya Nguyen TJ
12.12.20 - Rhianon Johnson AJ
26.02.22 - Kegan Johnson AJ
06.06.22 - Blair Johnson BJ
04.07.22 - Semi Kaufusi BJ
27.07.22 - Prabnoor Singh TJ
12.11.22 - Zidan Amin TJ
01.03.23 - Aiden Ly TJ
06.05.23 - Kiri-Anne van Cigel JJ
06.05.23 - Cooper Johnson JJ
09.10.23 - Rob Stephen BJ
25.11.23 - Leonard Oakley TJ
19.03.24 - Augustine Oakley TJ
14.05.24 - Kaden Stephen TJ
20.07.24 - Alizae Wichman BJ
6th Kyu - RokkuKyu
170 hours - 1.5 years
06.06.15 - Harry Bouhoutsos BJ
19.03.16 - Lyndon Moore BJ
04.07.16 - Nicole Hill TJ
27.08.16 - Raghuram Veerla TJ
08.10.16 - Brooke Proffit-Crean TJ
19.12.16 - Braydon Moore TJ
04.03.17 - Isobelle Little TJ
11.03.17 - Jordan-Leigh Little TJ
26.03.17 - Trae-James Little TJ
28.08.17 - Destiny-Jayne Little TJ
28.08.17 - Ellen-Gracie Little TJ
28.08.17 - Marea-Ann Little TJ
28.08.17 - Jaynesh Patel BJ
16.12.17 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
27.01.18 - Kegan Johnson TJ
17.02.18 - Cooper Johnson TJ
17.02.18 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
24.02.18 - Conner Meade TJ
24.02.18 - Hunter Ashby TJ
19.05.18 - Arushi Suneel TJ
28.05.18 - Ziya Mehdi Ebrahim TJ
28.05.18 - Dayton Winiata TJ
01.09.18 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
14.12.19 - Ashna Narayan TJ
12.12.20 - Nicole Hill JJ AJ
12.12.20 - Steven Kerr BJ
12.12.20 - Enzo Albuquerque TJ
06.02.22 - Fentyn Andrews BJ
26.02.22 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel AJ
26.02.22 - Rhiannon Johnson AJ
17.04.23 - Blair Johnson BJ
15.05.23 - Semi Kaufusi BJ
26.02.24 - Zidan Amin TJ
01.05.24 - Rob Stephen BJ
5th Kyu - GoKyu
230 hours - 2 years
06.06.15 - Harry Bouhoutsos TJ
08.10.16 - Lyndon Moore BJ
24.02.18 - Raghuram Veerla TJ
24.02.18 - Braydon Moore TJ
03.03.18 - Trae-James Little TJ
26.05.18 - Jaynesh Patel BJ
08.12.18 - Isobelle Little TJ
08.12.18 - Marea-Ann Little TJ
08.12.18 - Destiny-Jayne Little TJ
08.12.18 - Ellen-Gracie Little TJ
08.12.18 - Rhianon Johnson TJ
08.12.18 - Kegan Johnson TJ
08.12.18 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
08.12.18 - Cooper Johnson TJ
01.07.19 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
12.12.20 - Nicole Hill TJ
12.12.20 - Ivy Nguyen TJ
04.12.21 - Nicole Hill AJ
18.07.22 - Fentyn Andrews BJ
27.07.22 - Enzo Albuquerque TJ
06.05.23 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel AJ
16.10.23 - Rhiannon Johnson AJ
20.11.23 - Blair Johnson BJ
11.12.23 - Semi Kaufusi BJ
4th Kyu - YonKyu
290 hours - 2.6 years
09.09.17 - Lyndon Moore BJ
15.11.18 - Jaynesh Patel BJ
13.06.20 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
13.06.20 - Kegan Johnson TJ
13.06.20 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
13.06.20 - Cooper Johnson TJ
13.06.20 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
04.12.21 - Nicole Hill TJ
21.11.22 - Nicole Hill AJ
01.05.24 - Fentyn Andrews BJ
3rd Kyu - SanKyu
350 hours - 3.2 years
26.05.18 - Lyndon Moore BJ
26.02.22 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
26.02.22 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
26.02.22 - Kegan Johnson TJ
26.02.22 - Cooper Johnson TJ
26.02.22 - Wyatt Johnson TJ
21.11.22 - Nicole Hill TJ
2nd Kyu - NiKyu
1st Black Stripe
410 hours - 3 years 8 months
08.09.18 - Lyndon Moore BJ
06.05.23 - Cooper Johnson TJ
06.05.23 - Kiri-Anne van Cingel TJ
16.10.23 - Rhiannon Johnson TJ
1st Kyu - IkKyu
2nd Black Stripe
470 hours - 4.5 years
14.12.19 - Lyndon Moore BJ
Provisional Black Belt
Awarded after 1st kyu
530 hours - 5.2 years
06.06.20 - Lyndon Moore BJ
1st Degree Black Belt
600 hours - 6 years
21.06.21 - Lyndon Moore BJ
2nd Degree Black Belt
800 hours - 8 years
29.04.24 - Lyndon Moore BJ